


#include <stdosl.h>

shader jiWindowBox_LWOctane(
       string input_tex = "t:/installs/genericLivingRoom03.exr",
        int textureFlip = 0 ,
        int textureFlop = 0 ,
        float roomDepth = 1 [[ float min = 0.1, float max = 100 ]],
        float widthOverscan = 0 [[ float min = 0.0, float max = 0.9 ]],
        float heightOverscan = 0 [[ float min = 0.0, float max = 0.9 ]],
        int enableMidground = 0,
        float midgroundDepth = 0.5 [[ float min = 0.05, float max = 99 ]],
        float midgroundOffsetX = 0,
        float midgroundOffsetY = 0,
        int enableCurtains = 0,
        output color result = 0.0
    //user controls remapping
    float roomDepthMult = clamp(roomDepth,0.1,100);
    float heightOverscanMult = 1 - clamp(heightOverscan,0,0.9);
    float widthOverscanMult = 1 - clamp(widthOverscan,0,0.9);
    float midgroundDepthMult = clamp(midgroundDepth,0.05,roomDepthMult-0.01);
    float midgroundOffY = midgroundOffsetY * (textureFlip*2-1) * 0.1;
    float midgroundOffX = midgroundOffsetX * (textureFlop*2-1) * 0.1;

    //global variables & remapping
    vector objI = transform("object", -I);
    objI = vector(-objI[0],-objI[1],-objI[2]) * color(widthOverscanMult, heightOverscanMult, 1);      //reorder to match UV for Y up axis
    color objPOrig = (color(u,v,0.5) * 2 - 1) * 0.5 + 0.5;                     //for curtains
    color objP = (color(u,v,0.5) * 2 - 1) * color(widthOverscanMult, heightOverscanMult, 1)  * 0.5 + 0.5;    //UV seems to be the better approach

    //bases for width/height/depth
    vector sections = step(0, objI);
    color baseDepth = (objP-sections)/(-objI * roomDepthMult);
    color mgDepth = (objP-sections)/(-objI * midgroundDepthMult);
    color baseBack = (objP-sections)/(-objI);
    color baseWidth = baseDepth * roomDepthMult;

    //depth and width ramps
    color baseDepthX = (baseDepth[1]*objI+objP + 1);
    color baseDepthY = (baseDepth[0]*objI+objP + 1);
    color baseWidthX = (baseWidth[1]*objI+objP + 1);
    color baseWidthY = (baseWidth[0]*objI+objP + 1);

    float horizU = baseDepthY[2] - 0.5;
    float vertU = baseWidthX[0] - 1;
    float horizV = baseWidthY[1] - 1;
    float vertV = baseDepthX[2] - 0.5;

    //convert ramps to UV/ST... WIP - not very efficient
    float sideWallsMask = step(0,horizU) * step(0,1-max(horizV, 1-horizV));
    color sideWallsUV = color(horizU, horizV, 0) / 3;
    color rWallUV = (sideWallsUV + color(2.0/3.0, 1.0/3.0, 0)) * sideWallsMask * sections[0];
    color lWallUV = (sideWallsUV + color(0.0, 1.0/3.0, 0)) * sideWallsMask * (1-sections[0]);
    lWallUV[0] = (1.0/3.0 - lWallUV[0]) * sideWallsMask * (1-sections[0]);

    float FloorCeilMask = step(0,vertV) * step(0,1-max(vertU, 1-vertU));
    color FloorCeilUV = color(vertU, vertV, 0) / 3;
    color ceilUV = (FloorCeilUV + color(1.0/3.0, 2.0/3.0, 0)) * FloorCeilMask * sections[1];
    color floorUV = (FloorCeilUV + color(1.0/3.0, 0, 0)) * FloorCeilMask * (1-sections[1]);
    floorUV[1] = (1.0/3.0 - floorUV[1]) * FloorCeilMask * (1-sections[1]);

    color backWallUV = ((baseBack[2]*objI + (objP/2)/(roomDepthMult)) * (roomDepthMult*2) / 3 + color(1.0/3.0, 1.0/3.0, 0) ) * (1 - max(step(0,horizU), step(0,vertV)));

    color midgroundUV = (1.0/3.0 - (baseBack[2]*objI + (objP)/(midgroundDepthMult*2)) * (midgroundDepthMult*2) / 3);
    float midgroundMask = step( 0, midgroundUV[1] * 3 * (1-midgroundUV[1]*3) ) * step( 0, midgroundUV[0] * (1.0/3.0-midgroundUV[0]) );
    midgroundUV = (color(midgroundOffX, midgroundOffY, 0) + midgroundUV);
    midgroundUV[1] = (1-midgroundUV[1]) - 2.0/3.0;

    color curtainsUV = objPOrig * color(1.0/3.0, 1.0/3.0, 1);
    curtainsUV[0] = 1.0/3.0 - curtainsUV[0];
    curtainsUV[1] = 2.0/3.0 + curtainsUV[1]; //VRay specific

    color finalUV = ceilUV + floorUV + rWallUV + lWallUV + backWallUV;

    //flipping ctrl
    if (textureFlop < 1){   //VRay specific
        midgroundUV[0] = 1.0/3.0 - midgroundUV[0];
        curtainsUV[0] = 1.0/3.0 - curtainsUV[0];
        finalUV[0] = 1-finalUV[0];
    if (textureFlip > 0){
        finalUV[1] = 1-finalUV[1];
        midgroundUV[1] = 1.0/3.0 - midgroundUV[1]; // VRay specific
        curtainsUV[1] = 1 - curtainsUV[1] + 2.0/3.0; // VRay specific

    color roomRGB = texture(input_tex, finalUV[0], finalUV[1]);

    color finalRGB;

    //midground switch
    if (enableMidground > 0){
        float midgroundA;
        color midgroundRGB = texture(input_tex, midgroundUV[0], midgroundUV[1], "alpha", midgroundA);
        finalRGB = mix(roomRGB,midgroundRGB,midgroundA * midgroundMask); //VRay specific
        finalRGB = roomRGB;

    //curtains switch
    if (enableCurtains > 0){
        float curtainsA;
        color curtainsRGB = texture(input_tex, curtainsUV[0], curtainsUV[1], "alpha", curtainsA);
        finalRGB = mix(finalRGB,curtainsRGB,curtainsA);

    result = finalRGB;
