Box Noise is a more ordered pattern, sort of like squares thrown out of focus. Still random, but a more cubic pattern than most.

Blistered Turbulence(水泡湍流)
Blistered Turbulence has a good random distribution of detailed lights and darks, providing an almost mineral-like appearance.
Blistered Turbulence的黑白分布比较均匀,特别像矿物岩石。

Buya offers some spikey goodness. Because of the more intermittent light areas and a predominantly black base, you get peaks rising from a fairly low base that still has some detail. Reversed it gives a pitted surface.

Cell Noise(单元)
Cell Noise is squares of random gray values. Looks almost like blocks of wood at various heights or tile. At the small size it looks almost like pixels or digital noise.

Cranal has puffy raised areas between smoothly curving lines. Looks a little like padded fabric that has stitching running through it randomly. Also has a strange organic feel at some scales. Interesting reversed too.

Dents has a strange twisting, layered feel to it. Looks a bit like piles of organic something. When reversed, looks like pieces have been carved out with a spoon.

Displaced Turbulence(置换湍流)
Displaced Turbulence is a little softer overall than some of the others, but still has a broken randomness to it so that it’s not too even.
Displaced Turbulence相对更柔和,但仍然有一个破碎的随机性,因此不太均匀。

FBM has a lot of finer detail to it for a variety of layers. Very rough, organic or mineral feel. Larger scale looks like a sea sponge.

Hama is a little bit alien in feel. Sort of a more jagged, broken version of Dents. At small scales gives a nice random rough surface.

Luka has a nice combination of rough large areas broken up by smaller, more detailed spots, and even the occasional spike. Gives a good degree of complexity. Reversed has a nice rock face feel.

Mod Noise(模度)
Mod Noise is another cubic variation pattern like Cell Noise. In fact, I’m not really sure what the real difference is. It could be that Mod has a slightly less contrasty variation in values.

Naki has more of a wet feel to it, like mud or rough cement. It gets very interesting especially at larger scales, with a nice variation of scales.

Noise is the generic (and default) texture you’ll get when you first select noise as a texture in C4D. It is the softest overall, looking like a very out of focus random pattern, with no sharp detail or variations.

Nutous has a nice variation in levels of detail. A predominantly dark base with random light areas rising from it. Larger scale has a meteor-like feel.

Ober is kind of a cross between Cranal and Luka. Nice rough areas and peaks, but interspersed with flowing lines. When reversed, the lines become ridges along the outermost surface.

Pezo is another texture with a predominantly dark base, with small intermittent white areas. Good when you want obvious peaks rising from a fairly level base. At large scales resembles pollen or other microscopic bits.

Poxo has a lot of fine detail to it, on top of a nice varied larger pattern. Larger scales resemble a crystalline structure.

Random is a strange creature. It doesn’t seem to be affected by scale. That’s not a typo below, the global scale was set to 2000, but it’s not much different than at 250. Good when you need the finest noise possible. Could probably be used for static or white noise on a TV screen when animated.

Sema has a very distinct pattern, like paint dripping from a brush or melted plastic. Also has a somewhat alien feel to it.

Stupl has a nice flowing feel to it, almost like cooled lava flows. The smaller scale looks a little like smeared wax.

Turbulence is one of the more subtle noise patterns, but still has some nice detail to it. It can be nice when you want to add just a bit of detail. The smaller scale looks a little like skin or leather.

VL Noise(体光)
VL Noise is a bit like the default Noise that’s been stirred up a bit. A softer overall effect than some, without strong sharp details, but more randomness than regular Noise.
VL Noise有点像被激起的默认噪声。整体效果较为柔和,没有很锐利的细节,但是比常规“噪波”更具随机性。

Wavy Turbulence(波伏湍流)
Wavy Turbulence has what seems like an underlying soft random pattern overlaid with harder random peaks. Has a nice varied organic feel to it. Larger scales get particularly interesting.
Wavy Turbulence看起来像是潜在的软随机图案,上面覆盖着较硬的随机山峰。具有很好的有机感。在较大的尺寸,会变得特别有趣。

Cell Voronoi(细胞沃洛)
Cell Voronoi is similar to Cell Noise, but instead of squares has a more mosaic-like or fractured pattern. It’s a little reminiscent of slate or fieldstone.
Cell Voronoi类似于Cell Noise,但不是正方形,而更像马赛克或破碎的图案。它有点让人联想到石板或野石。

Displaced Voronoi(置换沃洛)
Displaced Voronoi uses the basic Voronoi pattern, but adds an additional, smaller noise pattern to break it up. There’s a sort of chiseled or hammered look to the surface. Could be used for ice or rock.
Displaced Voronoi使用了基础的Voronoi图案,同时添加了一个额外的噪波来丰富细节。表面有些凹槽锤打痕迹,可用于冰或者岩石。

Voronoi 1(沃洛 1)
Voronoi 1 is the most basic of the Voronoi patterns, and has a very chiseled look. Reversed it looks like some sort of fruit or seedpod.
Voronoi 1是最基本的的Voronoi图案,外观非常精致。反相,有点像某种水果。

Voronoi 2(沃洛 2)
Voronoi 2 has an additional secondary pattern for more complexity. Has sort of a fractured cellular look.
Voronoi 2具有附加图案,可以提高复杂性。像是破碎的细胞外观。

Voronoi 3(沃洛 3)
Voronoi 3 is a reversal of Voronoi 1, and has a higher contrast pattern with wider lines. The smaller scale looks like a concrete/aggregate surface. At a lower height setting, could resemble cobblestone.
Voronoi 3是Voronoi 1的反相版本,具有更高的对比度和更宽的线条。在较小的尺寸,看起来像混凝土/集料表面。在较低的置换高度下,有点像鹅卵石。

Last but not least, Zada looks like a cross between Sema and Cranal. The combination has an odd alien feel to it, with twisting organic shapes. Reversing it brings out some nice sharp peaks.
